Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Chased By An Elephant?

In the LDS church, children have the opportunity to learn from a very young age the morals and values we cherish in our homes and families. One of the ways we encourage this is by memorizing the 13 Articles of Faith. Which, as some might guess, tend to get a little muddled up when a large group of primary children recite them together. The line, "chaste, benevolent..." in the 13th Article can be mistaken for "chased by an elephant". It is silly and fun, but ultimately the message gets across. To hear little kids say that they believe in being "honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men" is a humbling and inspiring experience I have been blessed to witness.


  1. And a little child shall lead them... The pure declaration of a child is the finest form of testimony.

  2. When I first looked at this picture, I totally thought it was our Primary at Orchard 3rd! I looked at the lady on the right and thought it was Sis. Robinson :)
